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Eastham History & Genealogy

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Margaret Bready Genealogy Collection

Margaret Bready was born Margaret Ethel Pearl on February 17, 1908 at home at  Spring Street, Brockton, Massachusetts.  Not much is known of her childhood or young adulthood. On July 14, 1939 she was married in Taneytown, located in Caroll County, Maryland by the Rev. Guy Bready, a relative of the groom, to Richard Hugh Bready, becoming his second wife.  Richard Bready was the son of Rev. Russell Herbert and Mary Elizabeth (Richards) Bready.

Margaret and Richard had no children together.  They moved in 1986 to Eastham, Massachusetts on Cape Cod.  Margaret was 78 at the time.  She spent the better part of the rest of her life compiling copious notes on genealogies of families associated with Eastham.  Her accomplishment included family names of almost every letter of the alphabet, all handwritten by her personally.  She died in Eastham on June 11, 1995 at the age of 87. 

The Margaret Bready Collection is maintained by the Eastham Historical Society. This prolific "detective" of genealogy is the Historical Society's main source for helping those who visit searching out their family ancestry. To contact the Historical Society directly, please email them at

Margaret Bready Digitized Materials

Collection Contents:

Volume 1 - Abbey, Abbot, Adams, Adcock, Alden, Algore, Allen, Allyn, Andrews, Anniball, Arnold, Ashby, Ashley, Atkins, Attwood, Austin, Avery, Averill, Averell;

Volume 2 - Bailey, Baker, Baker House Wellfleet, Baldwin, Ballard, Balsh, Bang, Bardwell, Barker, Barlow, Barnard, Bartlett, Basset, Batchelder, Bachellor, Balch'lor, Bachiler, Bateman, Bates, Bayford, Bell, Benjamin, Bennett, Berry, Betts, Bisbee, Bishop, Bills, Blackmer, Blackmore, Blake, Blossom, Boreman, Barman, Bordman, Boardman, Bosworth, Bourne, Bower, Brace, Dickinson family, Bradford, Bradley, Picture of Agawam, Ipswich Memorial, Bradstreet (Insert), Bready, Bragden (Insert) Brawn;

Volume 3  - Breed, Bresip, Brewer, Brewster(Insert), Bridge, Bridges, Briggs, Brightman, Brock, Brooks, Brown(e), Bryant, Bunker, Burbeen, Burgess(insert), Burrell, Burrows, Burt(Insert), Brisby, Buswell, Bylam;

Volume 4 - Canfield, Carpenter, Carter, Cary (Carry), Cathart, Chamberlain, Chandler, Charles, Chase, Cheney, Cheseborough, Chick, Child, Chillingworth, Chipman, Chittenden, Church, Clark, Clement, Cleveland, Cobb, Codman, Coffin, Coit (Coyte), Coles, Colby, Small, Cole, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Connors, Cooke, Cooper, Cotton, Crisp, Covel (Covell),  Cowles, Crocker,  Crosby (Insert Crosby Mansion, 19th Century), Crossman,Crow Crowell, Culver, Currier, Curtis, Cushing,  Cushman;

Volume 5 - Dane, Darling, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Deacon, Dean(e), Dearborn, Deering, Delanoye, Delano,  Deming, Denison, Dennet (Dennett), Dewey, Dexter, Diamond,  Dibble, Dickinson, Dillingham, Dimmick (Dymoke, Dimmock), Dingley, Divoll, Doane, Dogget, Doty, Douglas, Shepherd, Dow, Downam (Downham, Dunham), Dowman, Downes, Dowus (Downes) Downs, Dreper (Dreeper), Dudley, Dutcher, Dyer (Dyre), Eaton, Eddy, Elmer, Eldred (Eldridge, Eldritch, Aldredge),Ellis, Elmer (Elmore), Emerson, Emery, Enos, Evans, Everett, Everts;

Volume 6 - Freeman, Edmund and Samuel;

Volume 7 - Fairbanks, Farwell, Faireweather, Fall, Fearing, Fernald, Finch, Fish, Fiske, Fitch, Floyd, Folger, Fonda, Foote, Ford, Foster, Franklin, French, Frink, Frost, Fuller, Gage, Gallup, Gardner, Garland, Gawkroger, Greer, Gibbons, Gilbert, Gibbs, Gifford, Gilbert(s), Gibbs, Gifford,  Gill, Gilman, Godfrey, Goodrich, Gorham, Gould, Goold, Grant, Graves, Gray, Greensleaf, Greensleets, Greenslee, Greenleaf, Guild, Gullefer, Guptill;

Volume 8 - Hall, Hale, Hamblen, Hamlin, Hallenbeeck, Hallenbeck, Hallett, Hamlen, Hamblen, Hammond, Hamonde, Hanchett, Hancock, Harding, Harlow, Harmon, Harriman, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Haskell, Hastings, Hatch, Hawks, Haydeninsert, Hayden Memorial Stone, Hayward, Hazeltine, Heard, Heath, Hedge, Henley, Henley, Henney, Henry, Herrick, Hewet, Hewett, Hewitt, Hicks, Higgins, Hinckley, Hobbs, Hodges, Hodgkin, Hogeboon, Holbrook, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Holyoke, Hooke, Hooker, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Hopson, Horton, Houghton, Hoskins, Houghton, Howes, Howlands, Huckins, Hucking, Hunt, Huntress, Hurd, Hurlburt, Hussey, Hutchinson, Hoxie;

Volume 9 - Ingalls, Ingersoll, Jacobs, Jaques, Jaquish, Jenckes, Jencks, Jenks, Jenkins, Jewett, Johnson, Jones, Judson, Kellogg, Kenny, Kezer, Kezar, Kesar, Keyser, Keaser, Killam, Kimball, Kirby, Knickerbocker, Knight; Knowles, Knowlton, Nock, Nocke, Nox, Noax, Knox, Lamberton, Lane, Langdon, Langston, Lawrence, Leighton, Lear, Lewis, Libby, Lincoln, Linnell, Linal, Linel, Littlefield, Livingston, Lombard, Lumbert, Lockermans, Loomis, Lord, Loring, Lothrop, Lovejoy, Lowe, Lumpkin, Lymans, Macy, Marche, Marsh, Martin, Martyn, Mason, Maverick, May, Mayhew, Mayo, Mead, Meyrick, Merrick, Merril, Miller, Minkler, Miner, Molyneax, Morey, Morrill, Morse, Morton, Mourt, Moses, Moulthrop(e), Moulton, Mousall, Moyce, Muller, Mulder;

Volume 10 -- Knowles Family;

Volume 11- Newcomb, Newell, Newton, Nickerson, Nims, Northam, Northerd, Nye, Ogden, Old, Osgood, Otis;

Volume 12--Pabodie, Pabody, Peobody, Pebody Packer,  Paddock, Page, Paine, Painter, Palmer, Paigrave, Park, Parke, Parkhurst, Partridge, Pearson, Peasley, Peck, Pengilly, Perham, Perkins, Perry, Peterson, Phitbrick, Phillips,  Phinney, Pierce, Pitcher, Pitkin, Plumb, Plummer, Plumer, Poole, Poor, Porter, Potter,  Pray, Prence, Prescott, Prichard, Puddington, Pudinton, Purrington, Putinton,  Purifoy; letter to Mrs.  Bready, 3 letters mostly dealing with the Prays;

Volume 13 - Randall, Randolph, Ranney, Redington, Reeve, Remick,  Remmick, Rhodes, Rich, Richardson, Ricker, Ring, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Roosevelt, Rose, Ross, Roos, Rowell, Rowley, Rugg, Russell, Rust; back cover info on Rose, Newhall;

Volume 14- Safford, Samson family (Sampson), Sargent, Savage, Sawar, Thomas, Sawyer, Skott, Scott, Scotto, Scotbury, Seabtny, Searle, Searl, Sayer, Sares, Sears, Shakespeare, Shatswell, Shaw, Shawe, Sheldon, Shepley, Sherburne, Shorey, Simmons, Singletary, Skiff, Skiffe, Smalley, Small, Smead, Smith, Smyth, Snow, Soule, Southworth;

Volume 15-- Sparrow, Richard; Spelinan, Richard; Spofford, John; Spooner, William; Sprague, John; Standish, Lawrence; Stanley, Timothy; Starbuck, Edward; Stetson, Robert; Stevens, Henry; Stevens, Richard; Stevens, William; Stickney, William; Stinson, James; Stockton, Thomas; Stone; Storrs, William; Stoughton, Thomas; Strain, Samuel; Stratton, Samuel; Strong, George; Strum Christopher; Sweet, John; Suydam, Eurciam; Swift;

Volume 16--Tisdale, John; Taber, Philip; Tainter, Tayntor, Taintor; Tarbell, Thomas; Taylor, John; Thayer. John; Thomas, David; Thompson, Miles; Thorne, Thomas; Tibbetts, Tebbetts; Tidy, Robert; Tilden, Richard; Tinkham; Tisdale, John; Tobey, Thomas; Tomson, John; Torrey, William; Tousley, Towsley; Tracey, Tracy; Treat, Robert; Tripe, Sylvanus; Trowbridge, Thomas; Trumbull, John; Tuck; Tucker, Morris; Tully; Tupper, Richard; Turner, Humphrey; Twinning, Williams; Twisden, Thomas; Twombley, Ralph; Tyler, Job; Utley, Sameul; Valler, Vallier; Van Alen; Van Deusen; Vickery, George; Vincent, John;

Volume 17--Wadsworth, Christopher; Waite, John; Walker, William; Wall, David  Sr; Warburton;Wardell, William; Warner, Andrew; Warren, Nathaniel; Washington; Waterman, Thomas; Webber; Webster, John; Weeks; Wells, Thomas; Wentworth, William; West, Francis; West, Nicholas; Weston, Edmund; Whatlock; Wheeler, Dominick; Wheldon, Gabriel; Whitcomb, John; White, Alexander; White, Robert; White, Nicholas; White, Thomas; White, William; Whitmore, Francis; Whitney, John; Whitney, Thomas; Whittemore, Thomas; Whittier, Richard;

Volume 18 - Miscellaneous Information: Where to Write for records; Abbreviations and Definitions; Bibliography; Cemeteries; Census; Genealogy; History, etc; Libraries; Miscellaneous Information;

Coming Soon: Volume 19 - - Tully, Gordon; O'Donnel, William; The Original Proprietors (Booklet); Paine, Thomas; Coats of Arms; Bready, Margaret Pearl; Ellis Family; Bonnell, Phillip; Sandwich Early Settlers; Swift, Samuel; Bartlett, Robert; Jones; Jenn and Rose Genealogy; Julian and Gregory Calendar; Hollanders who helped to build America; Planter of the Mass Bay Colony; Vital records of Orleans MA; Kendrick Genealogy; Miscellaneous Genealogies: Allen, Bartlett, Batten, Bunker, Coffin, Daniel, Ellis, Folger,  Gardner, Godfrey, Granger, Greenway, Macy, Millett, Pierce, Starbuck, Swaine, Tobey, Wales;

Volume 20 - -Miscellaneous Genealogies—Allen, Bartlett, Batten, Bunker, Coffin, Daniel. Ellis, Folger, Gardner, Godfrey, Granger, Greenway, Macy, Millett, Pierce, Starbuck, Swaine, Tobey, Wales